Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thesis Paragraph

Religious minorities are empowered by the use of blogs, message boards and wikis. With these tools people of marginalized religions are able to communicate with others of the same religion, with whom they would not have been able to in the first originally. Along with communication, people of marginalized religions can share and gather information about religions in which they may not have had access to in their area. With these tools many religions, new and old, are having more exposure to world then they would have without such wide spread access.

~(with hanging indents)~

Fukamizu, K. (2007). Internet use among religious followers: Religious postmodernism
in Japanese Buddhism. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), article 11.

Kawabata, A., & Tamura, T. (2007). Online-religion in Japan: Websites and religious counseling from a comparative cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), article 12.